House Church Registry Results

1 - 10 of 19 churches found:

Results are sorted by last date updated. Fellowships sometimes disband without remembering to remove their listings, so you may want to disregard results more than one or two years old.

 CountryStateCityCountyNameLast UpdatedType
 USA  AR  Shirley  Stone   Grace & Truth  2023-05-09  HC 
 USA  AR  Mountain Home  Baxter  The Church In The Ozarks  2018-06-18  HC 
 USA  AR  Bentonville  Benton  Grace Fellowship of NWA  2013-01-20  HC 
 USA  AR  Gilbert  Searcy  Local Bible Study  2012-02-23  HC 
 USA  AR  Hampton  Calhoun    2010-09-27  HC 
 USA  AR  Conway  Faulkner    2010-05-29  HC 
 USA  AR  Hot Springs  Garland  The House of Faith  2010-04-07  HC 
 USA  AR  hot springs  garland    2010-01-27  HC 
 USA  AR  Prairie Grove  Washington  Reunion Church of NWA  2010-01-02  HC 

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How to Search

Use any combination of fields in your search. It is often sufficient to just supply the city or county, using the state and/or country only to remove ambiguities (such as which "Kansas City" you are looking for).

Important.Leading or trailing spaces or text can frustrate a search.

Wild Cards. Use the per-cent symbol before, after, or both before and after your entry as a wildcard to prevent this problem. "%York" or "New%" or "%York" will find "New York"). You may also use the _ symbol to wildcard characters (e.g, "gr_y" will find both "Gray" and "Grey").

Counties. If you can't find anything in your city, try widening your search your county or an adjacent county.

Case. Searches are not case sensitive.

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